nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022

Researchers from various PoLLoC partners participated in the international conference NSM22, nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022 taking place online from 7th to 11th March. Dr. Gabriele Rainò from ETH Zurich was an invited speaker at two different symposia: PhotoPero22 (Photophysics of Halide Perovskites and Related Materials – from Bulk to Nano) and NANOQ22 (Colloidal Semiconductor nanocrystals for Quantum Technologies). From CNRS side, Tan Nguyen also gave an invited talk at PerNC22 symposium (Colloidal Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: From Synthesis to Applications). Look up more details of their presentations from PoLLoC Publications.

Cherniukh et al., Nature 593, 535–542 (2021)

Akkerman, Q. et al., submitted, Research Square (2022)