Peroquium: A Two-Day Workshop on Perovskites

The two-day symposium Peroquium is being organized by young researchers across France. This first edition will be held from 31 March – 01 April 2022 in a hybrid mode at the Palaiseau campus. It is aimed at creating a friendly environment for open-minded and fruitful discussions. This international workshop is dedicated for PhD students and young postdocs, but among the targeted audience are also master students as well as all scientists working in the field of perovskites.

Peroquium aims at providing the participants with an overview of the state-of-the-art development of halide perovskites for photovoltaic or lighting applications. This workshop consists of two main themes: optoelectronic properties (first day) and material synthesis/device characterization (second day). To present the key concepts in the topics, each day starts with lectures and talks in the morning given by recognized researchers in the research area. It is then (tentatively) followed by thrilling laboratory visits to Soleil Synchrotron, on 31 March 2022, and IPVF (Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France), on 01 April 2022, in the afternoon and ends with more talks and a poster session. Please click here for the detailed program.

In the spirit of promoting science to young and, especially, the early career women, there are five dynamic female organizers, who are currently postdoc and PhD students, out of seven people in the organizing team.

Confirmed list of speakers

  • Elsa CASSETTE – Laboratoire Lumière, Matière et Interfaces (LuMIn), UMR 9024, Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, France
  • Davide CERATTI – IPVF–CNRS UMR 9006, France
  • Bruno CUCCO – Univ Rennes, ENSCR, INSA Rennes, CNRS, ISCR UMR 6226, France
  • Minh Tuan DUONG – CEA/IRIG/SyMMES/STEP, France
  • David EGGER – Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Mikael KEPENEKIAN – CNRS, Rennes France
  • Paulina PŁOCHOCKA – LNCMI, CNRS, France
  • Claudio QUARTI – CNM, University of Mons Belgium
  • Michael SALIBA – IPV, University of Stuttgart, and FZ Jülich, Germany
  • Feray ÜNLÜ – Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany
  • Chenglian ZHU – Functional Inorganic Materials, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Local organisation committee

  • Ashanti BERGONZONI, Institut FOTON/CNRS UMR 6082/INSA Rennes/Université de Rennes
  • Marie CHERASSE, École polytechnique/Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
  • Hugo LEVY-FALK, LuMIn/CentraleSupélec/CNRS/ENS Paris-Saclay/Université Paris Saclay
  • Zuzanna MOLENDA, IMS-CNRS UMR 5218
  • Hindia NAHDI, Segula Engineering France/LPICM-CNRS UMR 7647/École Poly-technique

under the general direction from GDR Hpero.