31 March 2021

The 6th edition of the Journées Pérovskites Halogénées 2021

A three-day nation-wide event from 31 March to 02 April 2021 that put together the most excellent researchers working on halide perovskites from all over France

The JPH (Journées Pérovskites Halogénées) 2021 gathers researchers, engineers and students studying different aspects, both fundamental and applied, of this particular and exciting class of materials.

The previous editions of this workshop, which took place in Cachan, Rennes, Angers, Grenoble and Limoges, have brought nearly a hundred of participants, who are chemists, physicists and engineers working on experiments and theories from both academic and industrial worlds, to exchange results and ideas with one another. Their work belongs to numerous multidisciplinary topics: synthesis of 1D, 2D and 3D materials; advanced techniques of thin film depositions; morphological, structural, electronic and optical properties; printing and devices; etc. Ample applications have been realised including photovoltaics, photo-detection, light emitting devices, thermoelectricity, sensing, etc.
This year edition JPH2021 consists of a tutorial session (half day) with 3 lectures dedicated to certain general aspects related to halide perovskites as well as three sessions on the following themes (with five invited speaker):

  • Session 1: Synthesis and fundamental properties

  • Session 2: Material characterisation and modelling/simulation

  • Session 3: Perovskite devices and industrial issues

At the beginning of each session, a well-known speaker working in this specific field introduced the topic and showcased his own work, serving as a call for the follow-up participants to present their latest contributions to the audience in this very dynamic area of research.

During this occasion, Tan NGUYEN, a member of our CNRS partner, has also presented her work within the PoLLoC project. To see more information about her presentation, please click on this link.

The full program and book of abstracts of this event can be found here on the conference website.

Board of scientific advisers

DELEPORTE Emmanuelle (LAC UMR 9188, emmanuelle.deleporte@ens-paris-saclay.fr)
EVEN Jacky (FOTON UMR 6082, jacky.even@insa-rennes.fr)
KATAN Claudine (ISCR UMR 6226, claudine.katan@univ-rennes1.fr)
MERCIER Nicolas (MOLTECH-Anjou UMR 6200, nicolas.mercier@univ-angers.fr)
AUDEBERT Pierre (PPSM UMR 8531, audebert@ppsm.ens-cachan.fr)
BERSON Solenn (LITEN, solenn.berson@cea.fr)
BOUCLÉ Johann (XLIM UMR 7252, johann.boucle@unilim.fr)
GEFFROY Bernard (NIMBE UMR 3685, bernard.geffroy@polytechnique.edu)
HIRSCH Lionel (IMS UMR 5218, lionel.hirsch@ims-bordeaux.fr)
KEPENEKIAN Mikaël (ISCR UMR 6226, mikael.kepenekian@univ-rennes1.fr)
PAUPORTÉ Thierry (IRCP UMR 8247, thierry.pauporte@chimie-paristech.fr)
PLOCHOCKA Paulina (LNCMI UPR 3228, paulina.plochocka@lncmi.cnrs.fr)
REISS Peter (SyMMES UMR 5819, peter.reiss@cea.fr)
RICHARD-PLOUET (Mireille, IMN UMR 6502, mireille.richard@cnrs-imn.fr)
ROUSSET Jean (IPVF, jean.rousset@edf.fr)
TONDELIER Denis (LPICM UMR 7647, denis.tondelier@polytechnique.edu)

Local organisation committee

GEFFROY Bernard (NIMBE UMR 3685, bernard.geffroy@polytechnique.edu)
TONDELIER Denis (LPICM UMR 7647, denis.tondelier@polytechnique.edu)
BONNASSIEUX Yvan (LPICM UMR 7647, yvan.bonnassieux@polytechnique.edu)
DELEPORTE Emmanuelle (LAC UMR 9188, emmanuelle.deleporte@ens-paris-saclay.fr)
ROUSSET Jean (IPVF, jean.rousset@edf.fr)
SCHULZ Philip (IPVF, philip.schulz@cnrs.fr)
OSWALD Frédéric (NIMBE UMR 3685, frederic.oswald@cea.fr)
PAUPORTÉ Thierry (IRCP UMR 8247, thierry.pauporte@chimie-paristech.fr)
LANG Philippe (ITODYS UMR 7086, lang@univ-paris-diderot.fr)
LIEGE Frédéric (LPICM UMR 7647)
JEMLI Khaoula (NIMBE UMR 3685)
NAHDI Hindia (LPICM UMR 7647)
KIM Minjin (LPICM UMR 7647)
JUN Haeyeon (LPICM UMR 7647)

31 Mar 202102 Apr 2021
Palaiseau, France (video-conference via Zoom)